Digital delivery dockets for bulk materials supply, quarries & concreting

Sync orders, delivery dockets and invoices with our powerful digital docket software for bulk materials supply operators.

Digital purchase orders streamline requests

Materials dockets are prolific, with every load passing the weighbridge or batch plant creating a docket. Docketbook provides structure to this chaos via a powerful integration framework for both the supplier and the receiver of dockets.


Truck dockets

Truck dockets are created in the cab by the operator allocated work for the day using the Job allocation module. They create dockets from the job and record each load they complete on a day docket. Every load is GPS and time-stamped to provide further insights into the job, such as load time and cycle times and verification that a task is complete.

InField App

Weighbridge / Batch Dockets

By contrast, weighbridge dockets are created by integration into the weighbridge system or batch plant. A push to our public API will create a Docketbook docket with all the data you need to share with your clients.
You can even create a docket and assign it directly to your drivers so they can complete the digital docket, capture waiting time, client signatures and any other site details.

InField App

Reconcile orders, dockets & invoices instantly

By creating an invoice through our API to share via the Docketbook platform, you create a reconciled parcel of electronic data ready to pay. Invoices match order rates and don’t exceed order quantities. Invoiced quantities match docketed quantities, and surcharges are captured in a supporting docket to achieve a three-way match, avoid disputes, and ensure your invoices are paid to terms.


See how Docketbook can work
for your business

Speak to our product experts about your unique construction administration challenges, and see how we can help.

Our customer story

Enabling ePOD with digital dockets

For this enterprise materials supplier, it made sense to internally build an advanced proof of delivery platform. It also made sense to share the data via Docketbook. The in-truck solution developed internally is state of the art. It tracks the vehicles, records geofence entry/exit and provides a rich information interface to their drivers.

The downside is that it shares the output of this process via PDF and email, which is just not useful. By working with one of our head contractors, the first end-to-end digital docket process was born. From batch plant to truck, to supervisor in the field, to back-office, ERP and payment – without a single line of data rekeyed.

An order is sent to the supplier via Docketbook. When the docket is marked as complete in the supplier system, a call is made to the Docketbook API to create a digital docket and link it to that Order. The docket is then routed to the correct project based on the order data, and key information such as materials, quantities, site arrival and departure times are shared.

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Docketbook has helped realise our investment in our own digital systems, for us and our customers.

Even better, this workflow can be enabled for any of this suppliers Australian customers. With zero development effort. Win. Win. Win


Explore digital delivery dockets for bulk materials & concrete

See how Docketbook can revolutionise your bulk materials, quarry or concrete operations with digital dockets that make reconciliation and payment processes infinitely easier.


Turn your dockets into trusted cloud-based transactions

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Create reconciled invoices to ensure you get paid faster

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Life is a network - get connected

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